Who are we? | Member Series | Josh Gabriel

"I was an allergy sufferer and for many years, I attributed it to something in the air. I thought it
was a pollen or a mold spore that made me feel groggy and congested. It wasn't until my wife
encouraged me to start learning more about nutrition and the ingredients in food that I found relief
from my allergies. I found that I have a sensitivity to certain food dyes. Finding foods without these
dyes is very difficult without a vendor specializing in locally grown and sourced food like Clipper City
Coop. Having a store in Manitowoc that sells minimally processed foods may help others in the
community find relief from their own food allergies or sensitivities."
The "Who Are We? Member Series" posts highlight new seed members and give readers and other members some insight on why others have joined. Everyone has their personal reasons for joining, what are yours?