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Who Are We? | Committee Series | Brenda Collins

Here at the Clipper City Co-op we strive to be open and welcoming. The "Who Are We? Committee Series" shares information about each of the Committee Members.

Brenda Collins a graduate of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts with a major in Holistic Nutrition and a minor in Urban Farming. Not only did she learn about the value of Organic fruits and vegetables and the nutrients that are found in them, she applied that to her life and in the process lost 100 pounds and gained an overall healthier perspective on her life. She enjoys growing her own food without the use of chemicals and pesticides. She also cans and freezes vegetables to sustain her and her family throughout the winter months.

Being involved with The Clipper City Co-op is a part of her passion, in that this will allow her to be able to spread the word to more people about her own personal story and how they too can heal themselves with the use of Nutrient dense foods, along with how to balance the Mind, Body and Spirit.

Brenda’s biggest passion in life is helping others in whatever way she can. Her personal motto is “Love yourself enough to change that which no longer serves your Highest Good.”

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