Who Are We? | Member Series | Dr. Dean Willhite
As a Doctor of Chiropractic it is indeed a pleasure to see the City of Manitowoc embrace a whole foods concept. And as a former chef it is particularly exciting to access farm to table choices. Fresh food and organic choices should be a staple in our diets to reduce disease risk and promote health. Products shipped from South America and western states can lose up to 90% of their nutritive value from field to table and the situation is worse if the product is picked while not ripened.
I would be really pleased to extend an invite to eligible recipients of food programs to obtain discount purchase options and learn cooking techniques to preserve taste and nutritive value of the quality food choices that are locally sourced. Dr. Dean Willhite
President of the ACA Council on Diagnosis and Internal Disorders
The "Who Are We? Member Series" posts highlight new seed members and give readers and other members some insight on why others have joined. Everyone has their personal reasons for joining, what are yours?